How Bright is the Future of Retail Technology in India

How Bright is the Future of Retail Technology in India

December 06, 2021

The Indian retail industry is considered to be one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. Evolution in retail has consistently been about enhancing the shopper experience. With the global pandemic acting as an accelerant, digital transformation across domains and verticals in the retail industry has gained new highs. People have realized the value of good health and healthy living has taken first priority in everyone’s lives. Leveraging the need-gap for the sustainment of healthy living, many companies have come up with extraordinary concepts and ideas that help with the cause. From bringing groceries to homes to deliveries of proteins (raw and processed non-vegetarian items) everything nowadays has found a way to reach its consumer directly at home. 

The retail industry in India is in the midst of a paradigm shift, transitioning from an unorganized sector to a systematized and organized venture. The industry going from being product-centric to being customer-centric and retailers are leveraging technologies to reach the ultra modern-day shoppers. From dietitians, fitness coaches, from hair and beauty treatment specialists to lifestyle coaches everything is now available at the consumer’s fingertips at the tap of a button of their mobile phone screens. Similarly, everything has become so individualized and accessible that one doesn’t go out shopping and order online, either over varied mobile application platforms or e-commerce doors on world-wide-web.


Author : Meha Prasad


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